Preliminary Observation on Some Marine Molluscs of Northern Rakhine Coastal Area in Myanmar
Brackish water, Marine, Seashells, Habitats, Northern Rakhine coastAbstract
A total of 95 species of brackish water and marine molluscs were recorded in Nantha Island, Sittway Point and Hnget Gaung Taung in northern Rakhine State. Of these, 2 species of polyplacophora, 50 species of gastropoda, 42 species of bivalvia and 1 species of scaphopoda were also recorded with photo illustrations. Shells were collected from various substrata such as mangrove swamp, muddy sand, sandy mud and rocky fringe along with intertidal areas. Most of the molluscs are estuarine forms and marine species are less abundant except drift shells. According to habitat distribution, the highest recorded species distribution was 47 species in muddy sand area and followed by rocky fringe 38 species, mangrove swamp 33 species and sandy mud 23 species, respectively. In this survey, Myengu Kyun (Hnget Gaung Taung) area was the highest percentage occurrence of 45% and the second was Nantha Island 41% and Sittway Point 14% was the third rank.
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