Evidence from Remote Sensing and Field Work Observations of Tectonic Features in Pouma Area, Littoral-Cameroon


  • Kenfack Jean Victor University of Dschang, Faculty of Science
  • Paho Nteinmusi Jude University of Bamenda
  • Wotchoko Pierre University of bamenda


Pouma, Remote sensing, Field work observations, Fracture, Folding


The Pan-African mobile belt in Pouma, Littoral-Cameroon, offers a unique geological context for studying tectonic features from the Neoproterozoic era. This study utilizes remote sensing techniques and field observations to investigate the complex geological structures within the study area. The location, relief, and geology of the region are initially described to provide the necessary background. Lineament analysis, identification of structural elements, and orientation measurements form the primary methodology employed. The results obtained from the lineament analysis and structural observations demonstrate the presence of multiple lineament directions, indicating a diverse range of geological structures in Pouma. Such lineaments are commonly associated with tectonic stresses and can signify the existence of faults or fractures. Additionally, the dominant NE-SW orientation of the lineaments aligns with previous studies, identifying a significant tectonic corridor in the area. The interpretation of findings reveals anomalies and confirms the presence of the Kribi-Campo fault, extending from Pouma in the Northeast to Campo in the Southwest. Furthermore, the observation of post-metamorphic fractures intersecting inclined folds provides additional support for the regional tectonic history described in related studies. In conclusion, this study provides compelling evidence of the tectonic features in the Pan-African mobile belt of Pouma, Cameroon. The combination of remote sensing and field observations enhances our understanding of the region's geological evolution. The observed complex structures, lineament orientations, and fault systems have broader implications for tectonic studies not only in Cameroon but also in similar geological contexts worldwide.


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