Vegetation Distribution Pattern at Several Landforms and Its Implications towards Surface Run Off


  • Fahmi Arif Kurnianto Geography Education Study Program, University of Jember, East Java, 68121, Indonesia
  • Elan Artono Nurdin Geography Education Study Program, University of Jember, East Java, 68121, Indonesia
  • Era Iswara Pangastuti Geography Education Study Program, University of Jember, East Java, 68121, Indonesia
  • Hani Dwi Ribtyanti Geography Education Study Program, University of Jember, East Java, 68121, Indonesia


Vegetation distribution, Landform, Run off, Land use, Regional planning


Mapping of vegetation and other land cover is very important for monitoring the development of land use change and regional planning. However, mapping that focuses on differences in landform characteristics is still very limited. This study aims to analyze the pattern of vegetation distribution in karst, volcanic, and fold landforms. NDVI was used to analyze the distribution of vegetation in several landforms, while MODIS data was used to analyze the intensity and fluctuation of run off in the study area. This study used Sentinel 2 imagery as a data source with a spatial resolution of 10 meters and a temporal resolution of 16-30 days. The results show that there is a different pattern of vegetation distribution in conical hills (holokarst), quaternary volcanic hills, and fold hills. In karst landforms, vegetation is spread out following the distribution of conical hills. In the folded hills, the vegetation is spread in the direction of the anticline axis distribution, while the vegetation is evenly distributed in the volcanic hills with high vegetation density. Differences in the distribution of vegetation also have an impact on differences in surface run off for the three landforms. The distribution of vegetation in several landforms can efficiently be identified using the vegetation index and sentinel 2 because of the wider area coverage, so that it can affect regional environmental management.


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