Coulomb Stress Changes after 11 May 2017 Askale-Erzurum (NE Turkey) Earthquake (Mw = 4.7)
Acceleration, Peak ground acceleration, Coulomb stress change, Earthquake, ErzurumAbstract
Erzurum city (NE Turkey), one of the largest provinces of the eastern Anatolia region are surrounded by many active tectonic units. These tectonic units generated many earthquakes that led to the loss of life and property during the historical and instrumental period. The 4.7 magnitude earthquake in Askale-Erzurum (NE Turkey) on May 11, 2017 reminded us the active tectonic units in the region. In this study, Coulomb Stress change was investigated using Askale earthquake and its aftershocks. Especially after this earthquake, a stress of ~1 bar is observed in Tercan, Maden, Ilıca and N part of Cat region. Erzurum managed by compression tectonics as a result of the orogenic movements, always has the potential to generate a devastating earthquake. Considering these reasons, earthquake-soil-structure relationship should be noted while making constructions in Erzurum and its surroundings.
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